What Do Product Designers for Design Systems and Music Directors Have in Common?Last year (which was just a few days ago as I write this), I had the opportunity to serve as a music director and guitarist during our…Jan 2Jan 2
Remote Product Designer story and finally step up to another journey — Self reflection2 years ago, around November I published a story about moving to INMAGINE — 123RF as a product designer. After almost 2,5 years, many…Mar 25, 20221Mar 25, 20221
Case Study: Homepage improvement for home personal care mobile appsMy process to analyze review flow for the appsJan 16, 2022Jan 16, 2022
WFH + No traffic = More time and earn $$$ as passive incomeMy personal experience how to use time wisely during WFH (work from home)Nov 25, 2021Nov 25, 2021
Published inPrototyprRedesigning Index Page and CheckoutConcept idea Index page and checkout for SayurboxJul 21, 20211Jul 21, 20211
Improving Search Option For HalodocBased on my personal experience when looking for a dentist using Halodoc appMay 30, 2021May 30, 2021
Brainstorming and gather idea with Crazy 8's SessionHow to do it especially when we are doing our work remotely from our homeApr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Done and New Chapter! (Again?)About my experience with my Job and moving out to another journeyDec 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019