Brainstorming and gather idea with crazy 8's session

How to do it especially when we are doing our work remotely from our home

Lourenchyus Alfredo
4 min readApr 4, 2021
3 designer trying to do their best at brainstorming session

During work from home, we’re trying our best to make sure our design work keep delivered on time, communication keep working and especially when we want to discuss about the project the distance won’t be a problem for us. For me personally, working collaboration much interesting because I’m working remotely in Indonesia and my partner working remotely from my company location, Malaysia, but same, we are still work from home.

With this situation. We are trying our best to keep discuss and doing collaboration for our project and last week, we did collaboration together for ideation process. We tried to adapt 1 ideation frame work to gather idea about the project. I will be the host of this session, especially because the project that we try to discuss is about my project.

But before that, what is Crazy 8’s?

Crazy 8’s is a core Design Sprint method. It is a fast sketching exercise that challenges people to sketch eight distinct ideas in eight minutes. The goal is to push beyond your first idea, frequently the least innovative, and to generate a wide variety of solutions to your challenge. — Google Design Sprint

For me personally, Crazy 8’s is 1 of ideation process for finding the idea from another person, and we can share together the idea and we appreciate other’s idea and iterate again based on all submitted idea. So, for our session, we tried to do this Crazy 8’s and want to share our idea about the project.

In this session also, I will collaborate together with my fellow designer partner, Shu Yi and Tess Loh, we work together for 123rf — Inmagine.

So, how do we do the session?

Prepare the tools

  1. Pen and paper, and fold the paper into 8 pieces.
  2. Meeting video call with Google meet.
  3. Timer for counting the time. I use this online stopwatch for the session.
  4. Jam board to share the sketch idea and present it to other.
  5. Stable internet connection.

Let’s start!

Brief and explanation

During this time, we entered the meeting room at 09.30 am and I share all the brief, things to do and rules to the team and the most important things, I share about the project goal, what we want to do as a Product Designer, why we want to create this part. For this session, I shared the brief that I got from management.

Actually this is just starting brief, rough one, need to clarify with the management team about this, but before that I want to gather idea that I can show, that’s why this session made for starting ideation from designer.

Final preparation

Prepare seat, prepare tools near us, prepare pen and paper, inhale — exhale, go to toilet first if you want, because this session will take 8 minutes to draw 8 sketch, and believe me, it will feel like big dog barking and run go to you, feel so fast!

Start the timer!

Go! 3 of us started to sketch our idea.

Done and share our sketches

Each of us will share the sketches to our Jam Board and will explain our skeches, the other will hear and take a look of the sketches.

ideation session and the result with sketches
ideation session and the result with sketches

Appreciate the idea!

After presentation time, we want to appreciate each other. We will put mark in the sketches, we will choose which part of the sketches that work and we can put it to the idea box and can be the idea to iterate it again.

ideation session and the result with sketches and appreciate each other


Yes for this is the end of this session. Is it will be final design? of course not, because it’s just a starting and first ideation process. But with the ‘idea box’, we can get few things that we can iterate again. Especially we need to iterate again and research again about the project, what user want, what product that can suitable with user and another research process. Hopefully with this session we can know more about the product and can have multiple idea about how to do it.

Thanks to my designer partner that workin together with me for this project and brainstorming session!

designer team that show all the sketches that we made
123rf Design Team

Btw, if you are looking for stock image for your project or your needed, you can find it on our site.


And if you want work together with us, good news for you, we are HIRING! Please visit this link for more detail. Good luck!

Lourenchyus Alfredo, Product Designer and Icon Designer.

Visit my icon portfolio here, Iconfinder, Iconscout or my profile via my linkedin.



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