Food Order — Kantin Ceria App

Lourenchyus Alfredo
7 min readSep 29, 2020


This is a story about Budi and his experience.

Budi is a fresh graduate that will work for the first time after graduate from college. He will join as a Junior Product Designer at one of big Bank in Indonesia, Ceria Bank of Indonesia — and he’s really excited to join into that company.

The days went on as usual and fun for Budi, moreover the company is a company that was dreamed of since college, also with all kinds of situations that exist, flexible working hours, working facility, working benefit like breakfast, lunch, coffee break, sports and gym and etc.

One of the exciting things for Budi is, every day the company provides lunch and snacks, then Budi can save his salary to be allocated to his savings. So, every lunch time Budi and his friends always having lunch together in the Office canteen without paying on it.

But, here is the problem arises based on His point of views.

There are around 300 employees in the office. Lunch time is only 1 hour. The size of the canteen and seat is only enough to accommodate 40 people. To take food, each person can choose the menu they like in front of the food display window (the same as catering or warteg in Jakarta). This process is very takes time for Budi. He need to queue for a long time, choose food without knowing the menu beforehand, after that check the available seats to eat and when eating, the sitting position is waiting by other people who want to sit too.

Budi also felt, from the side of the canteen officer they were quite exhausted by this situation, waiting for employees to choose different foods and choices as well also with many different needed for each employee. Repeated things like this make him think about how to help to solve this situation.

As a designer, Budi wants to try to find solutions to these problems. But, before that, Budi wants to seek the opinion of each employee first, whether the things that Budi experienced also felt by his colleagues in the office or not. So, Budi began to ask his colleagues about the experience in the canteen.

In addition, Budi also asked the canteen officer about their experience in serving the employees.

So, each side experiences interesting experiences (+ and -) about their lunch process and in the end Budi starts to think what solution is right to solve those problems. At first, Budi grouped the existing problems

  1. Employees don’t know today’s menu
  2. Employees often do not get the menu they like because limited stock
  3. Employees have different taste, spicy, sweet, no MSG etc
  4. Employees have different needed
  5. Employees take to long to choose the food they want
  6. Employees face Queued too long
  1. Too noisy
  2. Limited stock food
  3. Limited time to serve
  4. Don’t have actual size for every food
  5. Don’t have actual number quantity for each food

Now Budi want to formulate all the problem and tried to find the solution


Users need a way to take their lunch everyday and make them easier to choose and order it that they can use easily because of it’s really takes their time now.


We will know this to be true when we find the employee use the product and makes them easy to order food especially will decrease the queue of lunch.


Build an easy to use food order app so user can check todays menu, order food and request special order it will be more time efficiency to have lunch break.


Based on the research that I did, I created user personas that capture this problem and my target user. Let me introduce Sylvia, Teuku and Anthony!

User Journey

I created user journey maps to know the process of Sylvia, Teuku and Anthony do daily thing in office especially their behaviour regarding work and lunch time to know their pain point or their happy moment.


A user story is short, specific and goal-oriented, it will help a lot to find what user needed regarding solution that Budi want to give. So Budi compile it all from his research to user stories

Sign up — Login

  1. As a user I want to be able to have sign up so I can enter to the apps and use it
  2. As a user I want to login as simple as I can
  3. As a user I want to login via my office email adress


  1. As a user I want easily find the menu so I can order it.
  2. As a user I want to check stock of the food
  3. As a user I want to have actual photo of my order
  4. As a user I want to give instruction to canteen officer
  5. As a user I wan to edit my order if I put the wrong order

Get Food

  1. As a user I want to have order number so I can get my order with my order number
  2. As a user I want to give my order number to another friend

Ask a questions

  1. As a user I want to chat to canteen officer to ask about the menu


  1. As a user I want to have a confirmation order to make sure my order already booked


  1. As a user I want to have remainder if I forget to order it
  2. As a user I want to have remainder if it’s close to lunch

User Flow’s

Budi also built user flow to make sure user can use the apps easily to complete their objective and they’re not facing any problem

So, after did the research, Budi seems understand what user want and he know what he wanna do for this app.

Next this one the most interesting part, Budi started playing around with prototype! Started with compile the flow for the app!

Budi designed a wireframe for few scenario. Core feature that Budi created for persona are:

  1. User register the app
  2. User lookin the menu and menu for snack
  3. User order food

After that Budi test it to the Employee to know what is their impression regarding the apps, is it good enough or not? If not he can do more iteration of the app to make it better.

After testing and discussing with few people from his company, He got some feedback about it.

  1. Give sign for spicy food, manis, or flat taste.
  2. Can I directly contact canteen officer via App?

And, here is updated app from Budi.

Oia, you can also tried the app that Budi made.

After all give positive response about the Apps, Budi suggest HR and Dev to approve it and tried to use it for the order food app and after 3 month, the app really help the company employee to have a lunch.

  1. Decrease queing
  2. Give faster way to Canteen crew to prepare the food.

So, here is Budi first contribution for the company, hopefully next Budi can still give good contribution.

Thank you Budi!


*Anyway, this story I made based on my office food order app for lunch!

Let’s connect with me



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