Improving Search Options For Halodoc

Based on my personal experience when looking for a dentist

Lourenchyus Alfredo
5 min readMay 30, 2021

Since I was a kid, I like eat sweet food like candy, cake, and ice cream. But I had a bad habit, I never brush my teeth before sleep. Then it becomes my problem in the future, I got a hole inside a few of my teeth. Then, in the 5th grade of Elementary School, I have to go to the dentist to remove my teeth. Until now around 20 years from that moment, I still got that problem. A few of my teeth still got holes inside them.

A few days ago. I felt pain in my teeth, so I tried to find some medicine for it. Because of the pandemic, I tried to chat to the doctor first. Luckily, I know 1 app that can help me to have a conversation with the doctor. Simple introduction about Halodoc just in case you don’t know. That’s the apps. I always use it to buy some of my vitamins or even if I or my mom got some health, we can use the apps to having chat with the doctor before going to the Clinic or Hospital. Also, Halodoc has a delivery service that they collaborate with Gojek so GoSend will help me deliver the medicine if I order some medicine.

Okey, we go back to my teeth problem. So I tried to chat Dentist to consult regarding my situation.

I opened Halodoc apps, search specifically for Dentist and see all the Dentist results that they have. Wow, that’s good! I can see all the list that they have, I also can see the experience of each doctor, their education, and also their STR — Surat Tanda Registrasi (Registration number for Doctor) so as a user I can know the detail and expertise for the doctor.

Doctor’s detail page

But, I found 1 thing. I imagine, if I’m looking for a Dentist, yes I can have a conversation with the doctor for early handling or my toothache, but as soon as possible I must visit the dentist to check my tooth directly because for some part dentist need to see it. So, when I searching the Dentist, I can’t search for the doctor near my location, even I couldn’t find it on the filter. So that part seems made my search journey a bit hard.

User experience at search result for Doctor

Based on the problem that I face. I want to iterate this, and want to find the solution to this problem, hopefully, it can be feedback for Halodoc for their next product improvement.



In this flow, I saw that we can improve the filter section. We got the problem with filtering and search based on location. So we can iterate more this step and can give more options to users to playing around with search flow.

Current flow for searching Doctor

As a part of the research, I want to check and find the reference from another app. I choose to learn from Grab Food experience especially when the user searches the food and wants to filter and sort it.

Comparison search result Halodoc and Grab

Best practice

I see the few opportunities that we can give to Halodoc users, especially based on research from another app.

  1. User can add filter by location
  2. User can add filter by promotion
  3. User can add filter by rating
  4. User can add filter by price
  5. User can add filter by gender
  6. User can reset all the filter that user use
Filter and sort by options



To make sure about my idea, I also prepare the prototype that users can use and validate it. So after the wireframe stage, I will continue it with prototype flow. I created few flow for it. I use Marvelapp as a prototype tool for this project.

You can play along with the prototype for this project via this link

User Testing

User testing recording result
Heatmap for few important screen

User Testing Result

For filter and sort testing, I got 100% for the hit goal screen it reveals that the user can understand the flow and can find the flow for filter and sort at search page. Also, if we see the heat map of a few important screens, we can see, most users understand how to interact with the app, find the dentist, filter it and select it by location. But, I think that I need to check again, why the missteps rate reaches 54%. Is it because of the instruction or because of the flow?


After tried to solve to problem, and validate the prototype to a user, hopefully, an additional filter and sort will help users to find the doctor that they need, especially a doctor that location not far away from the user.




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